Starting from the first week of October I decided to do some autumn themed digital painting studies using Krita. It was nice to get back to straight 2D painting for a while and it is good practice for when I will be hand painting and texturing more 3D models. I always feel like walking through the trees and painting mushrooms this time of year, Autumn is my favourite. I thought pumpkins and other harvest vegetables, nuts and fruit would be appropriate as well.
Krita released a new version in September with over 50 bugfixes (not that I noticed any of them but I certainly appreciate it) and then a version fixing a critical error with pass-through group layers on the 1st of October taking it to 5.2.6.
I started another study which I will be working on over this weekend. Things are a little hectic in my personal life at the moment. I’m doing a kitchen renovation which involves new electrics, plumbing, taking a polystyrene ceiling down before we even get to the normal kitchen fitting stuff. I’ll try and get as much art in before I have to escape because of all the mess.
I want to do some live streaming of my work so I will be trying to figure out how to do that this weekend as well.
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